The Power of the Release

Hey Tribe!

This week the Lord gave me a word about the power of the release! There was a moment this week where I found myself praying, yet in the next moment compulsively contemplating (aka worrying🫠) about the outcome. I found myself obsessing over what I may need to do and allowing myself to think worrying would keep me in God’s will. Then I had an epiphany! I realized that I was literally weighing myself down with these thoughts and attitude. It was literally stealing my peace, which destroyed every logical argument that thinking on those things was okay! I did not like the fruit I was reaping from those thoughts so I chose in that very moment with Abba, to change the narrative!

See, it doesn’t always have to be an hour of reading scripture after scripture! Imagine the power in taking one scripture and meditating on it to ensure proper understanding and exercising true belief in it! In the Bible, the Hebrew meaning of the word meditate is defined as the following: to ponder; imagine; mutter; speak; study; talk; or utter. Whew 😅 when you meditate on the word the way the author intended, you could really do some things! So I took one scripture (two verses), to meditate on and focus on exercising my faith. The truth is, faith has fruit and if I truly believe what the Lord has said I should receive the fruit of what my faith has given me access to!

Here was my scripture the lord gave me to combat the anxious producing thoughts, Philippians 4: 6-7 NKJV which reads:

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Listen to episode 8 of Purposeful Rehab where we discuss how releasing your request and burdens yield supernatural peace! We’ve all heard this scripture but have you actually understood it and put it into action? As soon as I did in that very moment my peace and joy was restored! Tap into this episode to learn how to break down and implement this scripture!



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